Peer review policy
The review process is strictly anonymous where both the reviewer and the author’s name or names are withheld from the reviewer. Each submitted manuscript is reviewed by two or more referees while editorial decisions are reached within 5-10 weeks after submission.
This comprise of persons who have made tangible contribution to the article being submitted. Authorship order is placed according to the relative individual contributions to the article, irrespective of status.
This is basically for all contributors whose do not meet the criteria for authorship, like funding source, research assistants or technical support teams, who did not directly contribute to the output.
Open Access
Articles published in the journal are on open access and is freely accessible by all, hence attracting more citations and use, while authors will be required to pay a token as article publishing charge (APC) to keep their works on open access.
Peer Review and Ethics
Review of Information and Science Technology is a journal strictly committed to blind peer-review integrity and adopts an enviable standard of review.
Article Types
RIST publishes novel research, opinion and empirical articles, as well as book reviews in library and information science.
Full articles
The articles are expected to fall within 4000 and 10,000 words with an abstract of not more than 250 words as well as four to six keywords. As expected, the abstract should contain research purpose and problem, methodology, design, sample, data collection methods, research findings, and tangible recommendations.
RIST remains strict with issues of plagiarism. Submitted works are always passed through duplication-checking software. Where an article fails a plagiarism test, it can be rejected on such basis, or retracted with a published corrigendum (correction) if already published.
Preparing your manuscript for submission
The manuscript should appear in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; introduction, materials and methods, results with captioned table(s) & figures on individual pages; discussion, recommendations, conclusion, references; and appendices (as appropriate). The preferred format for submission is Word.
APA style is the most preferred system of citation, while links to any cited web resources should be mentioned.
Publication Charges
For each submitted manuscript, a review fee of three thousand naira (N3,000.00) only is paid, while the accepted articles after due corrections are published with a publication fee of N10,000.00 only.